What the Heck is “Wander Yonder”?

What is Wander Yonder?

Wander Yonder is our periodic newsletter which brings you information and resources from around the web and encourages you to “wander beyond” the walls of AgPloyment.com, even though we know you don’t want to! Each newsletter will be focused on ag, jobs, hiring, interviews, job search, etc.

How do I get it?

Wander Yonder is delivered straight to your inbox whenever a new issue is created (assuming you’ve signed up of course). Our staff peruses the web, always on the lookout for great resources for our users. When we stumble upon something useful we make sure and compile that information for our next issue. The more feedback you give us about our content, yourself, and the information you want to see, the better we can make our site and the Wander Yonder newsletter.

How will it help me?

Because it’s really all about you, our user, and providing you as much value as we can. In order for AgPloyment.com to truly be successful we need to make sure you are successful first. What better way is there to do that than by serving up the web’s best articles, news, tips, and more? Other agriculture career and job sites won’t do this for you (they don’t want you to leave their sites), but we’re different for a reason.  Our mission is to connect, educate, inspire, and support users throughout their careers, and that’s just what we’re going to do!

Welcome to the only online community for those who make their careers in agriculture!


What are your thoughts?  What information should we be watching for that you will find most useful?  Leave your comments below and get involved in the community!

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