Wander Yonder #002

In this edition of Wander Yonder we've got info on curriculum vitae, internships, job search, hiring, and job descriptions!


Curriculum Vitae Tips and Samples | University of Illinois

An excellent resource for writing a CV, this comprehensive guide is simple to understand and implement.

Read More Like This: Curriculum Vitae

Nine Steps To Getting The Internship You Want | Forbes

Beyond the basic list of steps this article describes the process on finding and applying for the right internships for you.

Read More Like This: Internships

Social Media for Job Seekers—Dos & Don’ts | Career Source

Great little list of the standard Dos and Don’ts of social media networking.

Read More Like This: Job Search


10 Job Interview Tips for First-Time Managers | Robert Half

If you are new to hiring, interviewing, management in general, then you will find this article a helpful tool.  One thing to be added would be this: Ask your fellow managers, HR, or superiors for guidance.  They will have been through the process before and can direct you on company policy and SOPs.  Better to look like the newbie you are (which they already know) than to botch your first hiring process!

Read More Like This: Hiring

Writing Good Intern Job Descriptions | SciTechsperience

This PDF will help guide you through the process of writing a job description for an internship position, which is a little different from what you may be used to.

Read More Like This: Job Descriptions

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