PO Box 30713

Columbia, MO 65205-3713


Last Updated: January 1, 2017, LLC (“AgPloyment”, “we”, “us”, and “our”) owns and operates the website (the “Site”).  We want to ensure that you clearly understand our policies regarding your information and privacy while using the Site.  We respect your privacy.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of the types of information we collect, how we use that information, and how it is disclosed.  This Privacy Policy applies to information collected by us on, by, or through the Site, and does not apply to any other information or website not owned or operated by us.  This Privacy Policy incorporates by reference the Terms of Use for the Site, which also apply to this Privacy Policy.  Please review this Privacy Policy periodically as it will be updated from time to time without prior notice. You agree that by using the Site, or our features, products, or services you acknowledge and accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy.  Each time you visit the Site or provide us with information you are consenting to our use and disclosure of the information collected or received in accordance with this Privacy Policy.



Account:  An Account is provided to an individual or entity (a “Registered User”) for access to certain features, products, services, or pages of the Site (i.e., Forums, Job Board Postings, Résumé or Cover Letter or CV Submission, Job Applications, etc.) and involves registering a username and password on the Site.

User:  A User is anyone who visits, uses, or provides information to us or the Site, whether PII or not.  For example, “you” are a User.

Registered User:  A Registered User is anyone who visits, uses, or provides information to us or the Site and has registered for an Account on the Site.  Users are not required to register in order to view jobs, most pages, or to receive most newsletters.

Personal Information:  Information that personally identifies you, including, but not limited to, your name, address, email address, telephone number, username, password, credit/debit card number, bank account number, or other billing information which is provided by you to us or the Site.  This information is also referred to in this Privacy Policy as Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”).

Other Information:  Any Information that is not considered PII, which is provided by you to us or the Site.

Third-Party:  A Third-Party is an individual, group of individuals, entity, or group of entities, that is not you or us.  Third-Parties may be product or service providers of the Site, clients or customers of the Site, or anyone or anything else necessary, or deemed by us as necessary, to the continuation, operation, maintenance, success, transfer, or sale of the Site.  These Third-Parties are considered “Authorized Third-Parties” and have permission to access information as needed under our direction and/or supervision.  Care is taken to protect your PII from “Unauthorized Third-Parties” (those Third-Parties who do not have the Site’s permission to access or use information we or the Site collects or stores), including the use of Authorized Third-Parties and their products or services for the purposes of storage, encryption, data transfer, data manipulation, analysis, updates, improvements, support, consultation, or security.


Information Safeguards

 We, or our assigns, partners, or Third-Party providers, employ administrative, physical, technical, and electronic safeguards to assist in the protection of PII against accidental, unlawful, malicious, or any other type of unauthorized access, transfer, disclosure, use, alteration, deletion, destruction, corruption, or loss.  Such safeguards are helpful but not guaranteed, and we will not be liable for any harm or damages caused by, or resulting from, a breach of these or any other safeguards.  No electronic storage or transmissions of data, information, or communications can be entirely secure, so we do not communicate, convey, imply, or guarantee in any way that such safeguards will never fail or be defeated, or that these or any safeguards will always be sufficient or effective.  Although we do our best, in our opinion, to protect your information, we cannot and do not promise, and you should not expect, that your PII or Other Information will always remain secure or private.  As a User of the Site you understand and knowingly agree that your use of the Site constitutes your agreement that you assume full responsibility and risk for your use of the Site and the security and privacy of any information you share or submit to us on the Site or through any other means of communication, or which is collected by us through the Site or by any other means of communication.


Information We Collect & How We Collect It

In general, the information we collect is controlled by you when using the Site.  You acknowledge that any information we have about you is freely provided to us by you.  Various features, products, services, and functionality of the Site require PII and Other Information.  If you do not wish to provide the required information then those features, products, services, and functionality will not be granted to you.  In order to become a Registered User, you must provide some PII.  We collect information from Users in the following ways:

 At Registration

When you register to become a Registered User, we will collect information from you, including, but not limited to, PII.

Online Forms

These may include contact forms, surveys, questionnaires, or any other type of form, available on the Site or by other means of online communication, and may include PII.

Web Browser

Web browsers automatically provide information regarding the IP address you use to access the internet, your internet provider’s name, the type of web browser you are using, your device type, your operating system, the website you accessed the Site by, if any, and the name of the website you access upon exit from the Site, if any.  This information may include PII, but is typically Other Information.  This information is utilized to establish trends and improve the website.

Posting Documents

When you post documents, including but not limited to, Résumés, Curriculum Vitae’s, Cover Letters, etc., there is information contained within those documents, some of which may be PII.

Sharing Via Social Media

When you share something from the Site it is tracked, and information from your social media profile may be provided, including but not limited to, PII.  While not a part of the Site, it is worth noting that information is also shared to our social media accounts when other social media users share, like, comment, etc., our content.  For information about the privacy policies and terms of the various social media sites please visit their sites.  This Privacy Policy does not apply to those sites or to the information they collect or the information you share on or through them.

Web Beacons

Web beacons may be used to collect general information regarding your use of the Site, preferences, use of newsletters and other emails, or other behavior.  This information helps us understand User behavior and allows us to make improvements to the Site and our features, products, and services.

Premium Features, Products, & Services

We offer various features, products, and services which may require us to charge you a fee for their use.  When this occurs, we will need to collect information from you, including, but not limited to, financial (payment) information and PII, in order to bill you for the feature, product, or service.


Cookies are small files stored on your device by your web browser.  They are used to remember your preferences and/or settings, track your page views, identify you and assist you in signing in to the Site, estimate our audience size by identifying repeat Users, determine patterns via website analytics, provide targeted marketing, and track usage of forms and sweepstakes, promotions, or contests, if any.  Cookies help us to improve the Site for our Users.  Most web browsers can be set to notify you about cookies, giving you the opportunity to decide whether or not to accept it, or they may be set to disable cookies.  By not accepting cookies, or by disabling cookies, some pages may not display properly and you may not be able to access certain information, features, products, or services.

Google Analytics

The Site uses “Google Analytics” to collect and analyze information about the use of the Site.  Google Analytics collects information regarding where Users access the Site from, what pages are viewed, how often they visit the Site, where they are from (by country), what type of device they use, when they visit the Site, duration of visit, and other behavior.  For more information you can visit the following page provided by Google: “How google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps”, located at  Google Analytics collects the IP address you use when you visit the Site, not any PII.  Information collected by us is not combined with information received by Google Analytics.  No PII is provided to Google, doing so would constitute a breach of Google Analytics’ Terms of Service.

The cookie used by Google Analytics for tracking purposes cannot be used by anyone but Google Analytics.


Information, including but not limited to PII, can at times be provided by you to us through other means not listed.  These other means may include, but are not limited to, email, phone, mail, video call, or in-person.


Use and Disclosure of Information

We will not rent or sell your PII to Third-Parties.  If we do decide to rent or sell your PII we will first obtain your consent.

We may, at times, aggregate Other Information from our Users and provide, rent, or sell this information to Third-Parties at our discretion.  This aggregated data will be anonymous and provide no PII to Third-Parties.

We may, at times, send you mailings, emails, or other communications about administrative notices, updates, events, posts, features, products, or services which may be of interest or importance to you.

We may, at times, use and disclose the information we collect to provide features, products, or services that you request.

We may, at times, use and disclose the information we collect to our Authorized Third-Party providers so that they may access information needed to perform their duties to us, but only as consistent with this Privacy Policy.

We may, at times, use and disclose the information we collect to personalize and/or customize content.

We may, at times, use and disclose the information we collect to improve the Site and any features, products, or services offered.

We may, at times, use and disclose the information we collect to create new features, products, or services to offer to Users.

We may, at times, use and disclose the information we collect to resolve problems and/or disputes.

We may use and disclose the information we collect in connection with the sale or merger of all or part of our business. If acquired or merged, in whole or in part, with another business that would become responsible for providing the Site to you, we retain the right to transfer all PII and Other Information to the new business.  The new business would retain the right to use your PII according to the terms of this Privacy Policy.  The new business will still be required to obtain your affirmative, express consent prior to using your information in a materially different way if they make changes to this Privacy Policy or implement a new privacy policy.

We will use and disclose PII and Other Information collected if:

-Required by law, subpoena or other legal process;

-Required by and/or to assist law enforcement or government enforcement agencies;

-Necessary to investigate violations of, or otherwise enforce our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy;

-Necessary to protect us from legal action or claims from Third-Parties, including you and/or other Users;

-Necessary to bring legal action or claims against Third-Parties, including you and/or other Users;

-Necessary to protect our company, our business interests, and the privacy, legal rights, personal/real property, or personal safety of our Users, our employees, our partners, our affiliates, our assigns, or our Third-Party providers

Your use of the Site or our features, products, or services constitutes your full agreement with our Use and Disclosure of Information.


California Privacy Rights

California law permits its residents to request and receive information about a business’s disclosure of certain categories of PII to Third-Parties for their use in direct-marketing.  If you are a California resident and a User of the Site, you can request a copy of this information from, LLC via the email address


Links To Other Websites

The Site may contain links to other websites.  These links are provided for your convenience, and to provide additional resources to you that may or may not be available through the Site.  You understand that these websites are not under our ownership or operation and are not subject to this Privacy Policy.  The websites linked to through the Site likely have their own privacy policies and terms.  You are responsible for reading their policies and terms to determine how they use your PII.  You acknowledge and accept that your use of these links and access of the websites is at your own risk.


Changes To Your Information

You may change the PII you have on the Site at any time.  Registered Users are able to log in and update their information at any time. For other Users, or Registered Users who wish to alter or update previously submitted PII not contained within their Account, you may contact us via the email address to make changes or to remove yourself from our mailing lists.


Opt-Out of Information Sharing

You may opt-out of future unaffiliated Third-Party disclosures of information.  However, this will not affect disclosures which are otherwise permitted by law, including:

-Disclosures to affiliates, if any;

-Disclosures to Third-Party providers used by the business or the Site;

-Disclosures to Third-Parties required to fulfill your requests;

-Disclosures to law enforcement, government agencies, or courts, or which are otherwise required by law;

-Disclosures which are previously completed;

-Disclosures to Third-Parties in connection with subsequent sweepstakes, promotions, or contests you may choose to enter, or Third-Party offers you may choose to accept

To opt-out of future unaffiliated Third-Party disclosures of information contact us via the email address


“Do Not Track” Settings

Some web browsers have settings which enable their users to request that the Site does not track your movement on the Site.  The Site does not obey such settings when transmitted to and detected by the Site.


Protecting Your Child’s Privacy On Our Site

If you are a child (under the age of 18) please seek the permission of a parent or guardian before accessing the Site.  We do not knowingly collect PII from anyone under the age of 18 (a child).

We follow the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).  The Site is not designed for use by anyone under the age of 18, but children may still attempt to access the Site for information or resources.

If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child is using the Site, please contact us via the email address  We will ask for identification, including PII, of you and the child for verification purposes prior to removal of any information to prevent malicious removal of Account information.  Neither the PII of you nor the child will be retained for any purpose, or disclosed to any Third-Party for any purpose.

If we discover that a child is accessing our website without parental or guardian consent or supervision, we will delete their information as soon as we can after discovery.  The PII of the child will not be retained for any purpose, nor will it be disclosed to any Third-Party for any purpose.

Please note that we do not verify the age of our Users, nor do we have any liability to do so.


Email Policy

We comply with the Federal CAN-SPAM Act.  You are able to opt-out of receiving emails from us at any time by using the unsubscribe link within the email.  We will not provide, rent, or sell your email address to any unaffiliated Third-Party without your permission, accept in the sale or transfer of our business.



We use Third-Party processing services to handle payments made to us, directly and through the Site.  We have no control over these service providers.  Our providers use industry-standard or better security measures to protect your financial information and PII.  However, you understand and agree that we are in no way liable for any unauthorized access and/or misuse of your financial information, PII, or Other Information resulting from a breach or mishandling of data through the Site and/or by the service provider/s we use.


International Data Transfers

Information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  PII that you publish on the Site or submit to the Site may be available, over the internet, around the world.  We cannot prevent the use or misuse of such information by others.  You hereby agree to the transfers of personal information described within this section.


International Users

International Users are free to access and use the Site in strict accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms. However, you should be aware of the laws which govern you and your access and use of the Site.  We will not be liable for any misuse, or unauthorized access by you, or any legal or criminal offenses which occur due to your use of the Site.  Your use of the Site, or our features, products, or services, constitutes your full acceptance of this.


Retaining Information

We retain your information, PII and Other Information, collected through the Site or by other means of communication for only so long as we need such information for legal, business, or tax reasons, or for so long as necessary to service you and your Account.


Safe Web Usage

Users should use their best judgement regarding the information published or provided to others online, including potential employers or employees.  We cannot guarantee all Users of the Site are legitimate colleagues, employers, or job seekers, or have a legitimate need for the information they may seek from you, or that they will use your information for a legitimate purpose.

We recommend that you do not provide sensitive information to other Users or Third-Parties through the Site, such as:

-Credit/debit card numbers;

-Bank account numbers;

-Social security numbers;

-Government ID numbers;

-Physical identification traits;

-Family, marital, financial, or medical information;

-Or other PII and Other Information unnecessary for your intended use of the Site

Some potential employers may request information regarding:

-Basic or general contact information;

-Employment information;

-Education information;

-Military status;


-Or Other Information

As stated previously, be aware of the information you share online, especially when dealing with a Third-Party from outside of your own country.  If you are concerned about the information requested and/or the legitimacy of the requestor, please contact us via the email address  We will never request your social security number, your physical identification traits, or your medical information.  It may be possible, at times, in the interest of providing our features, products, or services to you at your request, to request other PII.  If you are contacted by someone claiming to be from the Site who requests PII from you, and/or you are suspicious of the request, please contact us immediately with any information you have regarding the requestor and the information requested via the email address

We recommend that Registered Users keep their username and password for their Accounts on the Site safe, and do not share that information with anyone.  You should also log off of your Account and close your browser window when you are finished using the Site.

Also, comment sections of posts or pages, forums or other discussion boards, your job board profile, company profile, directory listing, documents you upload to the Site, or any other areas on the Site that you may post or publish on are not a safe place to expose any PII, as such information is not protected by this Privacy Policy, nor are we liable for any disclosure of your PII through such postings.

We will not be held liable for any unauthorized access and/or misuse of information that you share publicly on the Site, with Third-Parties through the Site, with Third-Parties pretending affiliation with the Site, with Third-Parties pretending to be agents or employees of the Site, or Third-Parties pretending to be the Site.  It is your responsibility to safeguard your information and exercise your best judgement in its use and release.  Your use of the Site, or our features, products, or services constitutes your full acceptance of this.


Changes To This Policy

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify, change, add, or delete portions of this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice.  If we do this we will post the new effective date of the Privacy Policy at the top of this page (the “Last Updated” date), and the changes to the Privacy Policy on this page.  If we change the Privacy Policy in any way that would allow us to use previously collected PII from you in a materially different way, we will obtain your express consent before using that information in a materially different way.  In any case, your use of the Site, or our features, products, or services after any change to this Privacy Policy constitutes your full acceptance of any such change.


Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about the Privacy Policy, you may contact us at the email address



Copyright ©, LLC

All Rights Reserved.  This document, or any portions of, may not be copied, duplicated, published, or presented in any manner without express, written permission from, LLC.