Why Choose AgPloyment.com?


Our platform is attracting employers, recruiters, and candidates for good reason, because we know how to reach and engage the right people


Not only do we provide a low-cost, highly effective solution, we also provide FREE job posts for all internships and nonprofit organizations


Not only are we active, promoting posts and generating quality traffic, our users are also very active sharing and applying to jobs


From the general interface to the Employer Dashboard to the application process, everything about our job board was designed for ease-of-use


Our job board features built-in optimization for SEO and Google Jobs, an on-board Applicant Tracking System, responsive mobile design, and more


More than a job board, we continuously add resources relevant to our users making us agriculture's career hub


We can easily handle xml auto import or csv files of all your job listings, and it's included as a part of our low-cost unlimited plan

All Job Posts Include:

60 Days

Your jobs post is live on AgPloyment.com for 60 days

Candidate Database

Every job post comes with 2 weeks of access to our Candidate Database, with no view limit


All of your posts will have the logo of your choice, not just text, on job post pages and in search results

Applicant Tracking System

An easy to use Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is built into our platform, letting you focus time and energy on finding the right candidate

Career Portal

With a searchable listing of your job posts, your logo and contact info, custom text, video upload through YouTube and Vimeo, a cover photo, and more your Employer Profile can easily become your company's custom career portal


Standard job posts you purchase through our platform will never expire


All jobs posted on our platform will be automatically shared to all of our Twitter followers

Job Alerts

An extremely useful tool, when you publish a new job post a notification will be sent directly to candidates whose job alert settings match the post

Screening Questions

Every job post comes pre-loaded with 3 screening questions:

1) “Do you meet this job’s Experience requirements?”

2) “Do you meet this job’s Education requirements?”

3) “Do you meet this job’s Preferred Qualifications?”

More can be added for a small fee as an upgrade to each job post (see below), but these will help you sort applications in our Applicant Tracking System (ATS)


Featured Post

Places your job post in a featured position on the job board home page, highlights it and places it at the top of search results, and it will be shared through our social media channels and in our newsletters

Featured Employer

For 30 days your company will be listed as a Featured AgPloyer on the job board home page, and it will be shared through our social media channels and in our newsletters


Places an eye-catching, red "Urgent!" sticker on the upper right-hand corner of job posts, garnering more attention from job seekers

Screening Questions

For an additional fee you can add 3 additional screening questions onto a job post's application process