AgPloyment™ (ag-ploi-muh nt) 1. The state of being employed within the agriculture industry. 2. An occupation by which someone earns a living in the agriculture indsutry. AgPloyee™ (ag-ploi-ee) 1. A person working for another person or a business firm for pay within the agriculture industry. AgPloyer™ (ag-ploi-er) 1. A person or business that employs one or more people, especially for wages or salary, in the agriculture industry. AgriCruiter™ (ag-ri-kroot-er) 1. Someone who engages in finding, attracting, and acquiring the services of a person for an AgPloyer. AgPloy™ (ag-ploi) 1. To hire or engage the services of a person or persons within the agriculture industry. 2. To provide AgPloyment for a person or persons. AgPloyed™ (ag-ploi d) 1. Being hired or engaged in the service of an AgPloyer.