Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 5Date *Your Information:Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone NumberPlease provide a phone number we can contact you at if necessary.ExtensionEmployer Name *Please enter the name of the registered employer/company whose account this job was posted under.Are You An "Authorized Account User" On The Account? *YesNoWe will verify that your name and email address have been added to the Employer Account as an Authorized Account User.Authorized Account User ID *We will verify that the User ID you provide matches the User ID as listed on the Employer Account.Job Post Information:Job Title Used On The Job Post *Please enter the Job Title you used when you created the job post, to help reduce confusion.Reference # *Please enter the Reference # used on the job post. If you did not enter a Reference # when you created the job post please return to your Employer Dashboard to edit the job post and add one, then enter the number above.NextQuestion #1 Format *DropdownRadio ButtonTextPlease select the format of the screening question you would like to add. A "Dropdown" format allows applicants to select from a dropdown list (and is the only option that allows for multiple answers to be selected, such as when you ask an applicant which Microsoft Office software programs they are familiar with). A "Radio Button" format allows applicants to click on one answer option in a list (use this for yes or no type questions). A "Text" format requires applicants to type an answer to your question (this is a great format when you want to learn more about an individual candidate and/or get unique answers, when you want to use short answer questions, but is NOT recommended for questions which pass or reject applicants).Question #1 *Enter the question you would like to ask job applicants.Answer Option #1 *An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #2 *An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #3An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #4An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #5An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Are Multiple Answers Allowed? *YesNoSelect whether job applicants are allowed to select more than one answer. If you do allow multiple answers then our system will not reject an applicant based on their answer.Do You Wish To Reject Applicants Based On Their Answer? *YesNoIf you select "Yes" then you must complete the following two sections. Correct Answer *Answer Option #1Answer Option #2Answer Option #3Answer Option #4Answer Option #5Select the answer option you deem to be correct. WARNING: If job applicants do not select the Correct Answer (as provided by you above) the system will reject their application.Correct Answer *Enter the text answer/response you expect from a job applicant that you deem to be the Correct Answer to the question asked. WARNING: If job applicants do not respond with the EXACT answer (as you enter it above) the system will reject their application. We DO NOT RECOMMEND using the text question format to reject applicants. If you do not want to reject applicants with this question then mark the question above ("Do You Wish To Reject Applicants Based On Their Answer?") as "No".Rejection Message *Enter the rejection message you wish to be displayed to job applicants who do not select the Correct Answer.PreviousNextWould You Like To Add A Second Screening Question? *YesNoQuestion #2 Format *DropdownRadio ButtonTextPlease select the format of the screening question you would like to add. A "Dropdown" format allows applicants to select from a dropdown list (and is the only option that allows for multiple answers to be selected, such as when you ask an applicant which Microsoft Office software programs they are familiar with). A "Radio Button" format allows applicants to click on one answer option in a list (use this for yes or no type questions). A "Text" format requires applicants to type an answer to your question (this is a great format when you want to learn more about an individual candidate and/or get unique answers, when you want to use short answer questions, but is NOT recommended for questions which pass or reject applicants).Question #2 *Enter the question you would like to ask job applicants.Answer Option #1 *An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #2 *An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #3An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #4An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #5An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Are Multiple Answers Allowed? *YesNoSelect whether job applicants are allowed to select more than one answer. If you do allow multiple answers then our system will not reject an applicant based on their answer.Do You Wish To Reject Applicants Based On Their Answer? *YesNoIf you select "Yes" then you must complete the following two sections. Correct Answer *Answer Option #1Answer Option #2Answer Option #3Answer Option #4Answer Option #5Select the answer option you deem to be correct. WARNING: If job applicants do not select the Correct Answer (as provided by you above) the system will reject their application.Correct Answer *Enter the text answer/response you expect from a job applicant that you deem to be the Correct Answer to the question asked. WARNING: If job applicants do not respond with the EXACT answer (as you enter it above) the system will reject their application. We DO NOT RECOMMEND using the text question format to reject applicants. If you do not want to reject applicants with this question then mark the question above ("Do You Wish To Reject Applicants Based On Their Answer?") as "No".Rejection Message *Enter the rejection message you wish to be displayed to job applicants who do not select the Correct Answer.PreviousNextWould You Like To Add A Third Screening Question? *YesNoQuestion #3 Format *DropdownRadio ButtonTextPlease select the format of the screening question you would like to add. A "Dropdown" format allows applicants to select from a dropdown list (and is the only option that allows for multiple answers to be selected, such as when you ask an applicant which Microsoft Office software programs they are familiar with). A "Radio Button" format allows applicants to click on one answer option in a list (use this for yes or no type questions). A "Text" format requires applicants to type an answer to your question (this is a great format when you want to learn more about an individual candidate and/or get unique answers, when you want to use short answer questions, but is NOT recommended for questions which pass or reject applicants).Question #3 *Enter the question you would like to ask job applicants.Answer Option #1 *An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #2 *An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #3An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #4An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Answer Option #5An option job applicants can select to answer your question.Are Multiple Answers Allowed? *YesNoSelect whether job applicants are allowed to select more than one answer. If you do allow multiple answers then our system will not reject an applicant based on their answer.Do You Wish To Reject Applicants Based On Their Answer? *YesNoIf you select "Yes" then you must complete the following two sections. Correct Answer *Answer Option #1Answer Option #2Answer Option #3Answer Option #4Answer Option #5Select the answer option you deem to be correct. WARNING: If job applicants do not select the Correct Answer (as provided by you above) the system will reject their application.Correct Answer *Enter the text answer/response you expect from a job applicant that you deem to be the Correct Answer to the question asked. WARNING: If job applicants do not respond with the EXACT answer (as you enter it above) the system will reject their application. We DO NOT RECOMMEND using the text question format to reject applicants. If you do not want to reject applicants with this question then mark the question above ("Do You Wish To Reject Applicants Based On Their Answer?") as "No".Rejection Message *Enter the rejection message you wish to be displayed to job applicants who do not select the Correct Answer.PreviousNextAny Additional Comments Or Questions?User Acknowledgement *I AgreeCheck the box above indicating that you understand and affirm that 1) You are authorized to add Screening Questions to the job post indicated, 2) You authorize to add the Screening Questions you have created to the job post indicated, 3) bears no responsibility or liability, implied or otherwise, regarding the accuracy, relevance, use, legality, or lawfulness of the Screening Questions you have created and that you are solely responsible and liable for such, and 4) You authorize to process payment for this service if payment has not already been made.PreviousWebsiteSubmit